We were looking for an easy way to embed some of our existing Posts in other Posts and Pages on a site.
While we found a few plugins and standard blocks that almost did what we wanted, none just did it.

We’d tried the query loop but it just wasn’t versatile enough.
The plugins we did find either used algorithms (which made it hard to predict which content would be displayed over time) or copied the site’s content to other servers for indexing.
Others provided more of what we needed but only if we paid to unlock the extra features.
We certainly couldn’t find one that allowed us to specify a post exactly and to display exactly what we wanted.

So, we came up with a simple way of doing what we wanted: specify a piece of content by its type (Post, Page, Custom Post Type) and certain criteria (Taxonomy, keywords, or even Post ID).
A standard block for Pages, Posts & Full Site Editing or a shortcode for traditional themes and widgets …

We made Embedded Posts!

At its simplest you can embed a Post’s content (title, featured image, excerpt, link) somewhere else on your site.
You choose how you want to specify the content: most recent, sticky, a match by keyword or randomly.
You can even uniquely specify a Post by its ID.

This makes it really easy to build a Home Page that highlights content from other Posts and Pages on your site

You can use Embedded Posts to curate content elsewhere on your site: Gallery Pages or other collections.
A great way to use it is to add ‘related content’ lists to pages to help to improve page rank in search.

If you want to display a directory you can use Embedded Posts and WordPress Taxonomies to create as many as you like.

If your site needs a Portfolio Theme or a Magazine Theme, you can use Embedded Posts to transform a standard WordPress Theme into one, without any coding at all!

Join us and use Embedded Posts Today